“Oh God, I could
be bounded in a nutshell and
count myself king of infinite
space, were it not I have bad
I like the idea of dreams as infinite space. It's a new concept to me, but strangely I've thought about it before, if only in a dream. To me dreams have always been an adventure, which is sort of the same concept as infinite space. Things that I could never imagine or create some how come alive when I close my eyes. It's as if the books I read and the movies I watch aren't as far fetched as sceptics, also known as"Negative Nancies," will have you believe. Why can't a fantasy world be real when you live in one for a good 8 hours every night (or day, depending on sleep patterns). Either way when I think about the infinite space allowed for one's dreams it reminds me of the infinite possibilities of one's imagination. Call me crazy, but maybe fantasy is another reality and maybe by allowing ourselves to dream the impossible it is another way of exploring the world/memories of the universe. So this concept could be seen as a stretch and if you think it's crazy then blame Dr. Sexson for brainwashing me, but I think it holds a thread of consideration. If what we as humans do everyday, get up, go to work, play sports, watch t.v., is experienced by our five senses then what differentiates dreams from reality. The only answer I can think of is the type of eye we use to "see" the world. When we dream we are able to see things through our mind's eye, when we are awake we use sight. How big of a difference is this difference? With our dreams we are able to defy gravity, walk through walls, and experience death (hopefully we wake up right before, am I right?). I once had a dream where I walked through a grocery store wall to find myself in a desert, talk about crossing boundaries. Dreams are a way to live a life without boundaries. Even if you think I'm crazy, I think I need to think more about this and will do my thinking while I dream because that is the best way to think (think). Stay tuned while I compare dreaming with the revisitation to the Garden of Eden.
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