Monday, in class, Dr. Sexson was talking about living everyday as if it were a lifetime. This made me think of the meaning that one day has. It seems, personally, I am always looking toward the future for the next exciting event in my life. Whether it's a concert, a Friday night, or snowboarding, I am always looking ahead. According to Dr. Sexson's saying, (which I'm pretty sure was derived from Mahatma Gandhi's famous quote, "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.") a day can be filled with enough adventures that a lifetime holds. If we think back to a certain important memory of our past that memory probably lasted a few hours, maybe a few minutes. Astonishing moments of the past, such as a proposal, a day at Six Flags, or winning a championship, can all be done within the time period of a day. When we look back on our memories they are all memories of certain time periods within a day. So it makes sense to live a lifetime in a day. By always looking towards the future I am wasting important minutes where I could be doing something memorable (like writing in my blog), and let's face it, everyone could use more memories in their lifetime.
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